Founded in 2000 by biologist Ileana Lotersztein and Carla Baredes, a physicist with the firm purpose of demonstrating that science does not bite and can be enjoyed by everyone, at Iamiqué’s they make informative books that stand out for creativity and quality.
With the crazy desire to make the most innovative, interesting and creative information books in the world, since 2000 Ediciones Iamiqué have published more than 60 titles that today are distributed in almost the entire Spanish-speaking world.
Many of them have received important awards and are published in foreign language translation (Brazilian Portuguese, Chinese, Korean, English, Turkish, Romanian, Galician, Italian).
The originality of proposals and the reliability of contents have made Iamiqué a reference publisher for children information books in Latin America.
Listed below are some of the achievements made by Ediciones iamiqué books until today:
• Destacados ALIJA (Alija Highlights)
IBBY - Argentina
Every year ALIJA give the Highlights Awards, which are highly valued in Latin America. Works are selected by a jury that is renewed each year and rewards the best Argentine books for children and young readers in a number of categories.
• The White Ravens
Jugendbibliothek – Germany
The catalogue published by "The White Ravens" is the most important publication of the Internationale Jugendbibliothek (International Youth Library). It is published every year and then presented at the Frankfurt Book Fair. All listed titles are presented at the Bologna Book Fair the following year.
• Leeureka!
Salamanca University – Spain
Special mention in the first Ibero-American Information Book Award for Children. The award is granted by Leeureka itself!, that is in a program developed by the Space of Scientific Culture of the University of Salamanca for the promotion of science through reading and vice versa.
• Altamente recomendados (Highly recommended)
Fundalectura - Colombia
In Colombia, Fundalectura annually publishes a list with the best editorial offers available on the market. The list gathers titles that the members of the Assessment and Recommendation Committees of informative books and children's and youth literature have nominated as excellent or very good in the course of the previous year.
• Los mejores libros para niños y jóvenes (The best books for children and young people)
Banco del Libro - Venezuela
Throughout the year, the Interdisciplinary Committee for the Evaluation of Books of the Book Bank talks and evaluates hundreds of publications that, after being selected, pass to qualified jurors who choose the best titles in the categories of “Originals” (written and published in Spanish), “Translations” (written in other languages, translated and published in Spanish) and “Special Mentions”.