Death and eternal Life

Joseph Ratzinger
Fr. Pustet
Joseph Ratzinger<, born 1927 , has been a Professor for catholic Theology in Freising, Bonn, Münster, Tübingen und Regensburg. A leading theologian since Vatican Council in 1962, he was named in 1977 Archbishop of Munich and Freising, in 1981 Prefect for t he Congregation of Faith. In. April 2005 he was elected as successor of Pope John Paul II. choosing the name Benedict XVI.
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First published as one of the 9 volumes Kleine Katholische Dogmatik, by Joseph Auer and Joseph Ratzinger, ESCHATOLOGIE - TOD UND EWIGES LEBEN’s new edition is based on its 6th revised edition, with an added Introduction which specifies some questions and states the point of view of the Author.
Eschatology, which for many centuries has lived a quiet life as " the doctrine concerning last, or final, matters", has conquered a central place in the current theological debate.
In the introduction the author scrutinizes the reasons of this shift, and the historical background of this situation. Especially through the meeting with the religious feeling of Future in Marxism, Eschatology has become the fountain of theological movements like the ones entitling Future, Hope, and Liberation in their names.
The Author notices that Eschatology poses the problem of the very essence of Christianity. He deals also with the individual dimension of the eschatological matter, i.e. the questions of Death and Immortality, and finally with the central theme „the upcoming Life“: the Resurrection from Death, the comeback of Christ, the Final Judgement, Hell and Heaven.
On all problems approached, the Author shows the current state of debate, examines thoroughly the biblical foundations and analyzes interpretations and solutions all through the history of theology.
This fundamental work gives a better understanding of the central question of Hope, and is the Catholic answer to the current debate about Death and Life.