Nominated by Alessandro Perissinotto for the 2022 Strega Award

Luca Ragagnin
Miraggi Edizioni
Luca Ragagnin (Turin, 1965) is an Italian writer, poet, and lyricist. His short stories and poems are being published on literary magazines since the early '80s and have been translated in France, Switzerland, Portugal, Poland, Romania and Montenegro. In 1995, a collection of his poems won the Montale Prize and was read by Vittorio Gassman in the television series “Cammin leggendo” after being published by Scheiwiller. He is the author of many successful plays written on his own and in collabor...
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Little Berg lives in the North with his mother. He has many invention names and from a certain time on also a sister (imaginary?). He has a father who owns a yellow Beetle with pink dots and teaches him the names of trees and mushrooms.
He has city grandparents who educate him in the philosophical use of agnolotti and the contemplation of Meccano. He has sea-faring grandparents who accompany him in his growth, from a kitchen with a window overlooking the waves or from a magical closet.
Berg grows up reshaping reality, in a continuous pouring of imagination.
As a child he has many "enemies", he gradually gets familiar with the metaphysical danger of objects, the inexorability of other people's thoughts, the years of lead.
As a boy -amazed and incredulous -love and the awakening of an entire industrial city.
As an adult, the strength and abandonment, the mute crowding and a loneliness that sizzles with its many inner voices.
He finds God in a beach cabin - then loses him in an underground canteen.
He is a failed musician, a clerk in a record store and a New Economy worker. He is comical, clumsy, thoughtful and silent, unstoppable and boisterous.
Berg has many names and many ages: he is the intermittent child.
This novel is the story of his intermittence and of his innumerable identities.
Dario Voltolini https://www.miraggiedizioni.it/il-bambino-intermittente-recensione-di-dario-voltolini/ Ex-Libris https://www.exlibris20.it/il-bambino-intermittente-di-luca-ragagnin/ Anna Cavestri for Lo Scrivo da Me https://www.loscrivodame.com/il-bambino-intermittente/ La Stampa https://www.lastampa.it/tuttolibri/recensioni/2021/08/07/news/l-intermittenza-rende-unici-1.40571148/ Corriere di Torino https://torino.corriere.it/cultura/21_marzo_28/ragagnin-la-mia-torino-anni-70-80-vista-occhi-bambino-04040ae4-8feb-11eb-bb16-68ed0eb2a8f6.shtml Aessandro Perissinotto for Peremio Strega https://www.premiostrega.it/il-bambino-intermittente/ La lettrice vis à vis https://lalettrice-vis-a-vis.com/2021/04/09/bugiardiniletterari-il-bambino-intermittente-luca-ragagnin/